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Visiting us means personally viewing all the most original compositions of the renowned brand, always synonymous with quality and style. Flexform has always characterized our homes with trendy furniture and accessories, which give the whole an unparalleled appeal and make them livable at their best. Complements are beautiful and useful accessories for the home that personalize your environments with their colors and play a multifunctional and indispensable role. The model of Flexform's Savana Carpet that you see is suitable for any type of room: it will complete your home furnishings by combining practicality and design. In the store, you will find the most original collections of modern Complements, which also include high-value fabric carpets that have great decorative value.

Savana carpet by Flexform

Modern accessories and fabric carpets: obtain information on the Savana carpet model by Flexform and you can enrich your rooms.

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