Project 04

Different materials, important contrasts for a designer kitchen made to measure by Camagni

Marble, wood and steel: an important mix of elements combined with extreme skill and attention to detail

Marble, wood and steel: an important mix of elements combined with extreme skill and attention to detail

The hybrid strength of this solution is declared in the combination of different and contrasting materials, which find a welcoming home in pre-existing structural structures made of ancient suggestions and white plaster, and come to life in the subtle irony with which the space is imbued.


Born in Tripoli in 1957, he graduated in Architecture in 1983 at the Milan Polytechnic and a PhD in Industrial Design at the Milan Polytechnic, where he is a Design Researcher. He carries out teaching and research activities at the School of Design and the Design Department of the Milan Polytechnic in the disciplinary fields of furniture design, interior architecture and architecture for the collective space of the city. He has dealt with textile design and furniture design both in the scientific field and in specialized teaching and internships, enhancing the professional skills of the Como silk district and wood furniture in the Como Brianza area. He has published essays and reviews in journals, contributions to books and participation in international conferences. He holds conferences and seminars and participates in juries of international design competitions. He has participated as coordinator and teacher in summer school courses at the Como campus of the Milan Polytechnic and is a promoter of international university exchanges in the Erasmus programme. He has participated in MIUR co-financed research on disciplinary fields relating to design for the development of local production districts, color design, architectural perspective, and in INTERREG programs for the development of cross-border relations between Italy and Switzerland. He has coordinated interventions for the enhancement and recovery of buildings and areas of architectural, archaeological and landscape interest.

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